Monday, February 14, 2011

Holy Cow Ideas has Moved

Google created too many challenges, so we've moved HolyCowIdeas to its own domain.

Hopefully, you can move with us by using the link below:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Drill Bit Means More U.S. Oil Production

A new drilling method may allow for 2 million barrels a day of oil pumped from U.S. soil. I'm the first to point out that we need to switch to alternative fuels ASAP, but I also acknowledge the value of keeping American money in America.

It's a fact, nearly everyone drives a gas-powered automobile and also a fact that the U.S. is nearly hostage to foreign interests as they continue to raise prices because they can. We must have an alternative to $100 per barrel of oil being sent outside the U.S. and we cannot convert to electric, solar or hybrid vehicles overnight.

I say, put the new drill bit - actually a process that breaks the shale with water and other sources - in action right now, send trucks to Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming and the Dakotas tomorrow and start pumping gas next week.

See more about this article at

Reveal A Brand NEW Sexy You With The Next Generation Of Skin Care!

What if there were a simple, natural, and clinically proven way for you to
completely and dramatically renew the appearance, feel, and health of your
skin from the comfort of your own home?

Until recently, these type of results were only available to the select
few who could afford expensive salon or risky chemically based treatments,
simply because there was not a safe and effective skin peel process (approved
for home-use) that had ever lived up to this claim.

At Ginalé Skin Care ( don't just offer claims, we put you, your health,
and the beauty of your skin first! We offer a relaxing, spa-like, 3-step
facial treatment so gentle yet effective, that it can be used by anyone of any
skin type, age, or color. The Ginalé Skin Peel is the best kept secret in
the skin care industry!

How The Ginalé Skin Peel Works:

Over time, the outermost layer of the skin thickens and creates a build-up
of dead skin cells that it cannot fully exfoliate. Add to that, the amount
of sun exposure and pollutants we are all exposed to on daily basis.

This leads to many different skin problems in addition to the dulling and
aging of the appearance of the skin. This happens to all of us and no one
is immune.

The Ginalé Skin Peel was developed for our clients as an answer to
chemical-based peel products that are known to cause lengthy downtime, extreme
pain & burning, risk of infection, or even permanent scarring and

This revolutionary product contains FDA approved ingredients that are safe
to use on the face, neck, chest, arms, and other parts of the body! (an
industry first...)

This effective, peeling treatment helps rejuvenate the surface of the skin
and only takes 10-15 minutes to complete per session. It creates an even
and controlled shedding of several layers of skin, which allows the
unblemished layers to be brought to the surface and exposed.


The Ginalé Skin Peel is ultra easy to apply and can provide results in
only its first use! It invigorates and revitalizes your skin, and can provide
even better results over time with continued use. Experience what it can do
for your skin today!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

$1,000 homes for Cops and Firefighters in Detroit

Now this one is cool.  2 of the 3 groups hardest hit by the economy now get a break if they are willing to live in the city limits of Detroit.  The mayor, Dave Bing, regardless of your political views has gotten this one right!

Not only do the policeman and firefighters get the homes at a great price, they also can get up to $150k for renovations and likely to get rid of vagrants or drug dealers.  So, not only do they get a bargain, the neighborhoods should also become more livable and enjoyable from the mayor's decision.

Of course there are always naysayers, but you've got to commend the effort and at least these are ideas and suggestions that seem to make sense.  Do you have a better idea?  Have anything that you think can help Detroit and every other city being hurt by the economy?

Share your thoughts now.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Visible phone menu system

You dial a phone number anywhere today and you get the dreaded menu; Dell, IBM, Blue Cross Blue Shield and AIG all use them, where the poor user is forced to wade through 3 or 4 levels of menus just to get to the right choice.  Don't get me started if that choice goes to voicemail...

Idea - have the menu sent over the phone line, so if the phone you call from has a display, you can see the menu and read in your native language too.  Plus, companies REALLY focused on customer support, could provide an option to reach the operator on the 1st menu.

Nothing like calling to discuss your DirecTV bill or mis-applied credit on your VISA card, only to wait over 3 minutes to finally hear that the average wait time is 7 minutes.

Visual phone menu, that's my idea for the day.  Do you have one?

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

5 New Planets found in our galaxy

I am totally convinced humans are not the only living beings in the universe because it would just be naive to think in an infinite universe we are the only ones.  What do you think?

Still, it is very cool to see that new planets are being found so close to home with similar distances to their stars, so as to make water available for life to be a possibility.  Today's article in CNN has the full story - Kepler space telescope spots five Earth-sized planets in our galaxy

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frozen Water Pipe Catcher

Yesterday my water pipe in the kitchen froze and no one would have no, but for the side comment from my daughter, Mollie, who said, "oh yeah, it's weird that the cold water didn't work."

If not for that one passing comment, I may never have learned about the potential catastrophe before it happened.  As it turned out the electrical tape I rushed to buy would not work anyway, because it was 6' long and my [visible] water pipe was only 6" long.  We have an overhang and on the back of the house about 18" that makes our main level 3 feet wider than the basement and it seems the pipe and the rest of the space in that overhang are completely uninsulated - a whole 'nuther' discussion for another time.

So, with a 2" x 4" hole cut out around the pipe in the bottom of the cabinet, I could feel how cold the pipe was and downstairs the pipe was completely covered with spray foam insulation - a project I had just finished 2 months ago - thankfully.  A 1600 watt hair dryer and 10 minutes was all it took to change the water drop every 5 seconds, to every 3 seconds, then 2 and 1 second intervals, until finally a fully working water supply to the sink.

My Idea: 
   Temperature sensors that attach wirelessly to water pipes throughout the house every 2 - 4 feet and register with the thermostat where a sudden change can be alerted and either updated or acted on to prevent frozen water pipes.
  Another usage for these sensors would be to catch insulation deficiencies and more importantly to help with fire detection and the ability to be monitored remotely with a default action to call someone in case you are not home at the time.