It is important to give someone proper acknowledgment, credit and potentially a payment when you use their work, but what about blogs - does the same actually pertain in this space? YES, it does. So, pay attention that the proper way to acknowledge someone else's work and never plagiarize or infringe on someone else's hard work - you wouldn't want the same to happen to you, right?
Here's an excerpt from article I read today that really helps define the subject - please read and understand how it protects you and what next steps you need to take to properly protect your idea(s):
"When you write a blog post, you instantly create a copyrighted work. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, your original work receives copyright protection “the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.” In other words—you wrote it, you own it. This also applies to photographs and images—once a photograph that you took or image you created is fixed in a tangible medium, the copyright is yours instantly—no registration necessary, and no little © required.
However, there is one big “but”—if you want to sue someone in federal court for copyright infringement, your work must first be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office."
Ideas? Questions? Comments? Let's talk.
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